Serving Christ, Helping Haitians Improve Their Lives

Founded in 1987, Hand to Hand for Haiti is a Connecticut-based, faith-driven organization that partners with community leaders in Haiti to provide education, medical care, sanitation, and evangelism. We are founded on faith in Jesus Christ and work with churches of many denominations. We are a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization based in Connecticut but with a far-reaching network of partners.

Our current missions include a permanent clinic in Carrefours-des-peres in the north of Haiti, summer mission trips that meet multiple needs and support for a community organization’s new vocational school.



We also partner with community organizations in Cap Haitien and in the island of La Gonave. As they have proposed projects for community improvement, such as outhouses, clinics, and education, Hand to Hand for Haiti has responded with training and funding. Organizations are held accountable to meet goals and standards before receiving money.



Joseph Michel was World Vision's first field representative to the island of La Gonave in Haiti. He moved to the U.S. a year later, but continued in prayer for seven years for the people of La Gonave. In 1987 an American homemaker named Colleen visited La Gonave as part of a short-term medical clinic. She returned home with the feeling that the citizens seemed entrenched in a pit of ignorance and poverty which stemmed from a lack of choice. The two met in 1987, sharing their mutual concern. Under God's enlightenment, their two families began seeking His purpose in prayer. Another couple joined them. From this prayer group the concept of working 'Hand to Hand' emerged. In March of 1988 the ministry of Hand to Hand for Haiti was formally introduced to the public. Out of those prayers came an organization that still runs on a shoestring, targeting needs by partnering with Haitian community leaders who supply project ideas and people power. One example is a medical clinic.

In Haiti, doctors and clean water are scarce. In 2011, Hand to Hand for Haiti addressed both problems when it opened a clinic in Carrefour-des-peres and provided a well to serve both the clinic and the community. Still, the heart of the mission is healing the spirit. “Jesus said we will always have poor people with us,” said Hand to Hand for Haiti president Joseph Michel. “We are helping people to meet their earthly needs, but our main goal is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.” Even after the devastating 2010 earthquake, Joseph witnessed people singing praises to God, sustained by the hope that comes from faith.


After the 2010 earthquake, Hand to Hand for Haiti distributed $10,000 to three partners who were helping displaced persons. Mission trips include Bible teaching and other training for church leaders, in addition to mobile clinics, children's activities and health education. They also conduct crusades where people commit their lives to following Christ and gain an eternal perspective.

Although we are a small organization, we have been able to achieve results with very little overhead (<5%). That is because we work with trusted, effective partners who are leaders in Haiti. We have no paid administrators. The only staff who are paid are those who run the clinic in Carrefours-des-peres and the teachers in our school on La Gonave. Our address is provided by the Bible Church of Waterbury, so we have no rent to pay.


"In Haiti, without the community, you can't do anything." --Pastor Joseph Michel, president and co-founder of Hand to Hand for Haiti