Hand to Hand for Haiti

Statement of Purpose

Hand to Hand for Haiti, Inc. (hereafter referred to as " Hand to Hand" ) is a Christian ministry which "seeks in all endeavors to be to the praise of (God's) glory." (Ephesians 1:12) In response to the Great Commission which Jesus gave in Matthew 28:19-20 *, Hand to Hand commits itself to teaching – in word and deed -- the good news of salvation through faith in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, providing opportunities for people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. By expressing the truth in love, Hand to Hand seeks also to help fellow Christians grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and obey His commandments.

Hand to Hand was formed to serve severely impoverished communities in the country of Haiti. It seeks to establish "teamwork" relationships with residents of these communities, working with them, rather than for them. With this mutual trust and participation, Hand to Hand works to provide guidance and opportunities in community development, offering constructive choices other than continuing the poverty cycle. Education is key in this situation. Hand to Hand commits itself to provide needed knowledge to these communities by whatever suitable means are available. These include:

·         Teaching, training and equipping community leaders so they may, in turn, teach the residents in their own communities and possibly others as well.

·         Providing appropriate learning materials for persons in each community.

·         Teaching and demonstrating the essential, Christ-like principles and attitudes of cooperation, servanthood and love, so the knowledge will build up, not "puff up".

·         Assist in providing the needed physical facilities (school buildings, latrines, furnishings, etc.) so people can be protected from the sun and weather when they gather together for teaching and training.

·         Working with other capable, qualified persons, organizations and /or ministries of integrity to accomplish the above.

Although Hand to Hand's goals are long term, it cannot ignore the immediate medical and dental needs in several impoverished Haitian communities. In response to this, Hand to Hand endeavors to bring qualified doctors,  dentists and medical personnel to these communities to serve in short-term clinics, administering treatment that would otherwise not be available. Teaching in the areas of health care, first aid, and nutrition accompanies these clinics. People coming for treatment are told about the love of Jesus Christ that compels this kind of service to them.

Hand to Hand strives to spread the gospel in Haiti by whatever means are available. One example of this is a Vacation Bible School, where children are provided with wholesome recreational activity and a means of hearing the Word of God from missionaries and community members motivated to share it.

Hand to Hand is a non-denominational Christian organization. In all its work, both in the United States and Haiti, it is actively committed to breaking down divisive walls in the Christian community and building instead "united bridges of love." As Jesus fervently prayed for unity among his believers (John 20*), Hand to Hand seeks to demonstrate the reality of this prayer by working together in the bond of love under the same leadership of the Holy Spirit, and extending our hands to work in the same way with other Christians, regardless of denominational affiliation.

*Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV)

John 20:23 "... May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent Me and have loved them even as you have loved Me." (NIV)