Clinic Improvements
Vocational School
Clinic Improvements
Clinic Improvements

The first priority for the La Providence Clinic is the security wall, which is mentioned in Current Projects. You can see in this photo that it has a frame for a second floor. If it were finished, it could be used for missionary housing, classes and conferences. Also, it might be possible to obtain solar panels if we could find a way to ship them. Long-term, we would like to be able to pay Nurse Celie  a modest wage and hire technicians.

Vocational School
Vocational School

Haiti has 70-80% unemployment. People survive on subsistence farming, odd jobs, assistance from overseas relatives and casual micro-businesses such as selling snacks on the street. Job training would help more people to start viable businesses or find employment.

Alliance Chrétienne Daude au Developpement, or ACAD, has been formed by several business leaders who are combining their financial resources and their expertise in order to support ventures that improve life for Haitians. One of the founders is Sister Roselene Perard, who founded the La Chorale Misionaire de L’Eglise Wesleyenne de Cité Chauvel du Cap-Haïtien, with whom we present several mission events each summer. One of their first projects will be to support a new vocational school that is the longtime dream of Hand to Hand for Haiti’s president, Joseph Michel.

One sign of the demand for vocational training is the enthusiasm that greeted Debbie Wilson when she taught two sewing workshops in January. 120 men and women attended. One student is shown in this photo.

We have been collecting tools for months and we have a wish list of things people can donate or finance. Ultimately, we will need about $5000 to ship a container of tools and other supplies. We will take advantage of Sr. Perard’s connections to make the shipment process go as smoothly as possible.

We are looking for:

— automotive tools

— a large generator

—25 new computers

— older, slower sewing machines for beginners

(to complement newer, faster machines Debbie and others already donated)

— donations for shipping

We are also looking for volunteers! Are you skilled in a trade and willing to spend two weeks in Haiti serving the Lord by making a difference in someone’s future? For each person you train, you could be helping their parents, children, and future employees!

We are looking for:

— masons

— electricians

— carpenters

— cabinetmakers

— computer science technicians

— other skilled tradespeople