The Providence clinic supply room in Carrefour des peres. Most of the medical supplies were either collected and shipped by Hand to Hand for Haiti or bought locally with Hand to Hand for Haiti funds. We are looking to help raise monthly support to h
 At the 2011 clinic opening: Dr. Natacha, HHH President Joseph Michel, and Nurse Celie, clinic director.
 The Providence clinic supply room in Carrefour des peres. Most of the medical supplies were either collected and shipped by Hand to Hand for Haiti or bought locally with Hand to Hand for Haiti funds. We are looking to help raise monthly support to h

The Providence clinic supply room in Carrefour des peres. Most of the medical supplies were either collected and shipped by Hand to Hand for Haiti or bought locally with Hand to Hand for Haiti funds. We are looking to help raise monthly support to help keep this clinic open.

 At the 2011 clinic opening: Dr. Natacha, HHH President Joseph Michel, and Nurse Celie, clinic director.

At the 2011 clinic opening: Dr. Natacha, HHH President Joseph Michel, and Nurse Celie, clinic director.

ACAD Cap Hatien Clinic Introduction video

An introduction to the clinic in Cap Haitien, founded in early 2020 by a group of local community leaders called ACAD. Hand to Hand for Haiti provided much of the furniture and supplies for the clinic. We are looking to help raise monthly support to keep it open.