Mealtime at VBS Pignon, 2018
 Vacation Bible School teachers who are also Haitian schoolteachers benefit beyond these few days from their training. Teacher education is lacking in Haiti. Some have reported that they are using new-found skills in the regular classroom.
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Haiti2014 076.jpg
Bible lessons
It was estimated that 600 children attended.
Fun at VBS
2016 VBS teachers
Teacher training

Vacation Bible School gives children food, fun and craft time while they learn the Good News of God's love. Hand to Hand for Haiti missionaries train teachers in a different location each summer, and the trainees will lead the program in their town the next year. Hand to Hand for Haiti provides food for hundreds of children.

Mealtime at VBS Pignon, 2018
Mealtime at VBS Pignon, 2018

It is important to serve food at mission events, especially for children who come to learn and play. Hand to Hand for Haiti supplies the food and water for VBS and other activities. Your gifts can help us serve more children.

 Vacation Bible School teachers who are also Haitian schoolteachers benefit beyond these few days from their training. Teacher education is lacking in Haiti. Some have reported that they are using new-found skills in the regular classroom.

Vacation Bible School teachers who are also Haitian schoolteachers benefit beyond these few days from their training. Teacher education is lacking in Haiti. Some have reported that they are using new-found skills in the regular classroom.

Haiti2014(2) 066.jpg
Haiti2014 076.jpg
Bible lessons
Bible lessons
It was estimated that 600 children attended.
It was estimated that 600 children attended.

200 children had signed up for the VBS as of 2 weeks before. A week before, 300 were expected. Over 600 attended. Classes were reconfigured and plans changed to accommodate the turnout.

Fun at VBS
Fun at VBS
2016 VBS teachers
2016 VBS teachers

Teachers enjoy a meal and fellowship. Hand to Hand for Haiti Micheline Michel led their training.

Teacher training
Teacher training

Micheline with one of the VBS trainees in 2016.