A Vision for the Clinic / by Roseanne Krzanowski

A Vision for the Clinic

By John DeConti

(John made several repairs to the clinic and was a versatile team member during the 2014 mission trip.)

·         The Bible is very clear on many subjects. A few of them are to help the poor, and take care of widows and orphans. It also says that not many of us are to teach, so if we are not called to teach like Pastor Michel is, we can do many other things. Pastor Michel has said many times that the most important thing Hand to Hand can do is to “Preach the Gospel”. I am very glad he can do that – I cannot… So if you are like me, not called to teach, there are many other things that need to be done in Haiti.

·         My experience from last summer was an eye opener to say the least. I had many assumptions about what it would be like, and I was wrong on many accounts. I assumed that there would be clean drinkable water available, but there was not. I was shocked at how everything was dirty, broken down, half finished projects everywhere. I was shocked at the number of babies and small children, all without proper nutrition, hydration, and medical care (including pre-natal care).

·         Hand to Hand has made a difference in Haiti, as small of an organization it is. Yes, the Gospel has been preached, but that is Pastor Michel being modest. One great thing they have done, is started a medical clinic. This clinic is a foothold in an area without clean water or electricity, and with hundreds of small children. A major need is to create clean water, both at the clinic and across the street in school. But the clinic could be more than just a clinic, it could easily also be a Missionary Headquarters. The second floor of the clinic is half finished, if it was fully finished it could easily house 4 – 10 missionaries. In order to make this happen, the area needs to be secure, it needs to have clean water, and it needs electricity. All 3 of these are easily doable.  Pastor Michel is building the wall around the clinic, so that will enhance the security and safety. Digging a well 60 – 80 feet deep will provide clean water, or the dirty well water could be filtered and purified. Solar panels can be mounted on the roof, with battery storage which will keep the facility powered night and day.  With these next steps, Hand to Hand could be a major benefit to many people.

·         I encourage anyone who calls themselves a Christian, to help make this a reality. It would not take much to make this happen, and I would be glad to discuss this further and serve with you.