Summer Mission: Reaching Youth / by Roseanne Krzanowski

By Kim Maximin, Volunteer Youth Conference Leader

As the year began, I knew the mission trip was going to take place but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure because of all the chaotic things that were happening although this issue seem like a consistent never ending topic. It seems as though this year the chaos had reached its peak. As months were approaching, news came that the trip was still happening and the location, though terrifying to most, would be where Haiti’s most wanted gang leader resides. Upon hearing that news, fear crept into the hearts of many.

It seemed that everyone was afraid except the missionaries. As time began to wind down, I was still debating whether this was in the cards for me, as ticket prices were extremely high. As the search for the best affordable ticket continues I started feeling a little discouraged because the prices were more on the expensive side than affordable. Finally I prayed and asked God to make a way if he wanted me to be in attendance this year, because I could not find anything that was reasonable. After I prayed about this situation, I can’t remember if it was that same night or the next day, I went and searched again and I was in disbelief for the ticket that I found and at the price I found it for. At that moment I knew that God wanted me in Haiti and the way I prayed for has been made. By that small act, I was reminded that some prayers are answered quickly and some take longer not because God doesn't want to but simply because he wants to stretch our faith and put all our dependence on him and him alone.

Once the tickets were purchased, there was no turning back. Going to Haiti this year was challenging but rewarding at the same time. To go to this particular location without any problems and come back without any problems is nothing short of a miracle and the right hand of God at work. The power of God was displayed from beginning to end.

Vacation Bible School went without a hitch despite the minor obstacles. It’s evident that the teachers love working with the kids and they look forward to doing that every year. This year many of them already knew a portion of the lesson which was great. The first segment happened at Shalom and the kids were exceptional. They listened and they behaved the entire day. During the different activities, they did what they were supposed to do. The next segment took place at the Weslyenne church, and these kids of course were pretty much a handful but nonetheless, they behaved and learned both the manual activities and the lessons that were taught to them. I am always in awe of how quick they learn and how eager they are to learn about the word of God. The greatest achievements of Vacation Bible School is when children want to live for Christ and make the decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior. This year we experienced a young lady so eager to accept Christ that she told her parents she was not leaving until she was prayed over. Those are the little things that matter the most and sometimes it can feel as if it nothing is being accomplished, but those little things are reminders that the work is not in vain and that seeds are being planted.

Upon leaving Cap Haitien, we embarked for St Marc, which is the mission field. I am grateful to God that he kept us and he was truly a hedge of protection around us. When we arrived at St Marc, the lodging was not ideal but we were reminded that this was a mission trip and it wouldn't be luxurious. Every day we spent there God reminded us that he was in control. I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but I remember a few years back when we were in Mirebalais, there was a strong wind that swept through the place where we were as if the wind was angry at us. I felt we experienced that same exact thing while in St Marc that Wednesday night at the crusade. The wind was so strong it felt like a tornado was coming and as the wind became strong so did our prayers and as we were praying rebuking the wind and the rain, things started calming down. I truly felt that wind and rain was of the enemy to stop the work that was going to happen that night. Just about every night it rained, but every night we stood worshiping and praising the name of the Lord for the victory he gave us each night we went back to our rooms safely.

As the crusade was coming to an end, the different activities still took place. The youth conference was truly a success, I loved sharing with the youth and this year I spoke about “the principles of living a life that’s set apart for God.” The other speaker which was Brother Brousson Colas spoke on “Character”. Together the messages went along which each other and I was very grateful for its success. We had about 120 young adults in the room and not one of them walked away and all stayed till the end. That was truly a blessing and only the grace of God at work.

The other activities were also a success such as the marriage ceremony, the visit with the inmates, the women’s conference and conference for the leaders. I can say this year, the Mighty hand of God was at work and through the unity between the leaders and obedience of each missionary; we see that Unity is definitely strength. When you take God, unity, and strength and put them all together and embed those 3 into the hearts of each individual that you have under you it’s impossible to not come out victorious in anything. I give all the glory to God because truly if God did not call you to this year's mission there’s no way you would have gone. I was happy to see young adults and adolescents giving their lives to Christ, seeing people being freed from demonic spirits. Those are the many reasons why Evangelism is necessary in the country because too many people are bound. The enemy is running rampant in that country. Our work is not yet done until every single individual repents, and this country is given back to God. I truly believe that is the only hope for Haiti. There is no other hope but Christ. This year for me, I have to work on taking initiative a little bit more and not be afraid to share my story. I am pushing myself to believe and apply the word much more and also believe in the promises that God has; to be strong and courageous for the Lord will be with me everywhere I go. Although I am not sure where God is taking me next, perhaps, I too was created for such a time as this.