Another Successful VBS: Notes from A HHH Volunteer / by Roseanne Krzanowski

My name is Martine Bristhole. My husband and I are blessed with three beautiful children. Currently I attend the Haitian Baptist Church in Danbury. Rev. Michel [president and co-founder of HHH] assisted as needed after the sudden  passing of Rev J. Cailleau 2 yrs ago.

I was blessed and honored to be called by God to go in the mission to Haiti this year with Hand to Hand members and La Grand Chorale De EWSCC. I was so impacted and blessed by this mission experience, it’s taking me a while to absorb everything.I went with the mindset of being a blessing in the mission, the wheel turned towards me. I was blessed by every child, youth, elderly and leaders. I was blessed to the point where  they poured their anointing unto me.

When I arrived at the facility in Cap Haitien, I was impressed by the warm welcome. Right away, you feel the flow of love and the Holy Spirit's presence in the place.

Before we went straight to work, Sister Michel had a training session with the VBS staff. The following morning the entire staff were present in the sanctuary to fast and pray together till noon. That was wonderful. We all were getting spiritually ready,and praying for each child we would encounter.

I had the pleasure to help with VBS. I pray everything that was done in VBS ministered to each and every young soul, and penetrated their homes. The children were happy to learn about the bible story of Daniel standing strong for Jesus. They also enjoyed the songs, and crafts.

 The team was great. Their love for God and the children reflected in every aspect of the 7 days of VBS and beyond.  The team was very creative and adapted to any situation and changes.  

There is lots of room for growth to better serve the children, which will make learning easier and everlasting for both the staff and the children. We all felt the importance for follow up with the children, especially those who accepted Christ as their personal Savior. We were lacking visual teaching tools and supplies for the younger group. With the heat, it was a little difficult to keep their focus from 10-4pm. The children were frequently asking for water. Some children traveled some distance to come to VBS. I pray we can budget for the above needs. I believe the Lord will inspire the team of ways to improve.

One of the youth pastors and I had a chance to worship and work with the youth from 10-3pm on Friday. It was an amazing moment. We had a total of 28 youths. Among them we had some youth leaders coming from different zones to attend the session. They were very receptive to our presentations. One young lady accepted Christ as her Savior, and others rededicated their lives to Christ.

One experience I never had before was “COHORT DU MATIN” that was early morning evangelization. Many missionaries woke up at 4am, we gathered to pray together, and at 5am or before 5am. We went around town with a Megaphone Bullhorn, singing,praying and preaching. That was an unforgettable moment. My soul was blessed!

The Lord gave me a chance to care for some individuals among us who felt ilI. I didn’t get to attend the medical clinic. I attended a funeral instead.A family member of One of the missionaries/ church member passed.

I enjoyed the crusades, the worship times, the prayers and the sermons. The best gift was the  people of all ages who  surrendered  their lives to Christ.

In conclusion, the need for the gospel, physical, mental and financial was great in the areas we targeted. Even our missionaries had baggage of needs.But, they were serving with joy, with their heart and soul. Offering all they have to the Lord. My heart was saddened because I couldn’t lend a hand. I pray the Lord will open our eyes to see and to reach out to those in desperate need.I learned so much from their sacrifice of praise. 

Over all, I pray we were able to fulfill the call and make the Lord smile. All for His Glory!


Martine Bristhole