Hand to Hand for Haiti Welcomes a New President! / by Roseanne Krzanowski

Hand to Hand for Haiti is happy to introduce our new president! For some of you, she will need no introduction. Elisabeth Michel has grown up as part of Hand to Hand for Haiti. Her parents, Joseph and Micheline Michel, co-founded Hand to Hand for Haiti with another couple in 1987. Elisabeth grew up in a bilingual, bi-cultural household founded on love and faith. She graduated from Duke University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy, and holds a Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan. With a background in health equity and health administration, Elisabeth currently works as an Equity System Transformation Manager at Hartford HealthCare. 

Elisabeth’s international experience includes several visits to Haiti. Her upbringing combined with her expertise in communication and problem-solving to make her an ideal candidate. The executive board has been pleased with her transition to volunteer leadership of this organization. Joseph and Micheline remain with Hand to Hand for Haiti as operational leaders. They are happy to continue guiding the next generation of missions to Haiti. Elisabeth says, “It is both a blessing and honor to go from watching Hand to Hand develop before my eyes, to now participating in advancing the mission of the organization. What I love about Hand to Hand is our commitment to honoring God’s heart, and doing so through collaboration. The legacy of Hand to Hand is strong, and I look forward to the journey ahead.”