A Young Haitian-American Returns to Help: a Reflection by Kimberly Desremeaux / by Roseanne Krzanowski

On April 3rd, 1999 I left my place of birth to come and live with my father in the States. Although I knew the move was permanent, in my head I thought I would still visit during the summer months. That plan came to a screeching halt because my parents had a different idea. Since I left Haiti, I’ve been finding ways to go back and visit. First it was after I graduated High School, that time came and for some reason I couldn’t go. Then it was after college, when that time came again I could not go back. After that, I had given up on the idea of seeing my home again. For two years I’ve been planning to go on a mission trip but reasons that were out of my control and wrong timing it ended up not working out. In 2012, I got an offer to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic but God had another plan. Unfortunately the Lord did not give me the green light so I wasn’t able to go.


Finally, I asked my pastor about his experience with going to Haiti and his story made me re-think if I still wanted to go on mission trips. After getting different points of view and opinions regarding mission trips I had finally made up my mind that this is what I really wanted to do. In 2014, my pastor asked if I was ready and I said not quite.  Fast forward to 2015, the same question was posed to me and I answered confidently that I was ready. On June 30, 2016, the opportunity I’ve been contemplating on, preparing for, praying and waiting for had finally came. While I wasn’t quite sure what I was really going to get myself into, I knew that this trip was going to be life changing. It was an emotional returned because I could not believe or even imagine that I was really going back home. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20, KJV) It can be interpreted in many ways, but it was then I fully understood the words of this powerful verse. When we got to Port-au-Prince, the airport was chaotic, but I knew for sure I was home and that feeling was inexpressible. After PAP, we went to Cap-Haïtien and that was the beginning of the mission. The stay at Cap-Haïtien was great, I couldn’t have asked for a better place. Sister Perard and her staff were very generous and respectful. They made me and everyone else feel right at home. Cap-Haïtien was the start of Vacation Bible School, which in itself was an experience. I’ve worked with children before but having 350 to 400 children per day was definitely something. Vacation Bible School was fun and it was great to see how much the kids were involved and their thirst for knowledge of the word of God. That trip really opened my eyes in seeing potential in everyone. Although they are limited when it comes to opportunities, one thing that’s for sure is these kids are intelligent and very advanced for their age.

After we left Cap-Haïtien, the second part of the mission had begun which was Mirebalais. It’s there I understood what the word “DISCIPLE” really meant. Waking up at 4 in the morning for cohorts, which consisted of walking around the community preaching, chanting, and proclaiming Jesus’s name, was amazing. I really thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up being that I’ve never done anything like this before but during those early mornings, I realize how active and how fast I really am. As stated earlier the experience is inexpressible, the things I’ve heard and witnessed especially when it came to demonic spirits really had me speechless because I could not believe I was living in the forefront of it all. The enemy is real. The power he has over some of the youths was heartbreaking to witness, but definitely an eye opener. Many people go into Third World countries for trips like these and leave the country feeling more appreciative of what they have, but I personally don’t feel it should take you traveling to a Third World country to have that kind of awakening. Overall, it was definitely an amazing experience. As I conclude, I saw the true beauty that Haiti has to offer and how rich the country is.

We do need to put our heads together instead of against one another. This will happen in time. I see that Haiti has the potential to be great again, and I definitely would like to get involved even more after this first experience. The work that Sister Perard as well as Hand to Hand is doing is remarkable and I truly commend both her and the organization on that. I believe “to be able to stand stronger than you’ve ever stood you have to get knocked down lower than you’ve ever been (author unknown).” Having said that, I see that revival is coming to the country and the enemy cannot stop what God has already started. I leave Haiti knowing that it will one day stand stronger than it ever stood. I truly thank God for this experience and providing for me before and during the trip. He showed me the power of His love and I will forever be grateful for this incredible first experience.