mission team

The Impact of a Hand to Hand for Haiti Mission Team by Roseanne Krzanowski

By Darline Philistin with Roseanne Krzanowski

   Why do Haitians need a North American mission team to go there when there are many      missions run by Haitian nationals? The short answer: to lend a helping hand and increase theirreach.

The Hand to Hand for Haiti 2015 summer mission team had a great impact on the community of Marmelade. They worked with La Chorale Misionaire de L’Eglise Wesleyenne de Cite Chauvel du Cap Haitien, a church mission in Haiti that organizes a two-week mission trip in a different area every year. Only four volunteers went with Hand to Hand for Haiti, but their work will be multiplied for God’s glory. They didn’t just help a few people. They trained and led Haitian leaders and volunteers to do great things for God. 

Apostle Haynes led a seminar for church leaders. His teaching will change not only their methods, but their mentality. Although some complained about problems with the food, they stayed to receive this training. They will go back and change their communities.

Micheline Michel led Vacation Bible School. She trained six Haitian teachers, who worked enthusiastically with the hundreds of children. Now they are ready to lead VBS in their own churches. They will need materials.

The impact on the children will last even longer, though it may be harder to see. These children received some simple craft supplies, but these were things they had never seen before. They created things during craft time. They received meals and snacks. They did Biblical activities for spiritual growth. Most important, they learned about God’s love for them. Seeing them led me to think about when I first heard the good news of God’s love. It was when a children’s ministry came to my town. The impact of Vacation Bible School can last for generations, because it brings God’s love to the children and their families.

Joseph Michel planned the pastors’ conference. He was there to teach, to translate for Apostle Haynes, to meet with mission partners, and to oversee some of the operations.

I can’t forget the impact our brother John DeConti had on the mission. You could call him our facilities manager. He just kept doing what needed doing: fixing things, fetching things, and floating around to see what else he could do. His knowledge was very helpful and his willingness to help demonstrated God’s love to those around him.

When volunteers from Hand to Hand for Haiti join with our brothers and sisters in Haiti, they increase their capacity to do good. Local organizations benefit from their support and expertise.

The leaders’ seminar changed their mentality, showed them how to improve their own community. Although there were problems with food and some complained, they stayed to receive this training.

Why do we go on mission trips when there are missions like La Chorale Misionaire doing so much work?

        We go to increase capacity of local organizations. We provide resources and trainingthathelp them to do more.